Thursday, January 22, 2009


Yesterday we went to the Wildlife Zoo with Tanner's preschool class. We had a really good time, I brought Kylie and Paige with us and they really enjoyed themselves. We had fun looking at all the animals we especially enjoyed the bird feeding, with birds landing on my head, and looking at the giraffes and the fish. I even talked Tanner into touching a star fish. We had a great day and I loved being able to spend it with the kids.
We got home and put Paige down for a nap and we played Wii until Kylie was almost asleep on the couch I couldn't have that otherwise she wouldn't go to bed so we headed to the park. It was so nice the kids had a great time playing and it was fun to go out in the fresh air.

We had a great day.....just glad we are all clean now!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Um...that is seriously a long tongue that giraffe has. I had no idea.