Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Dentists....I have never really had a hard time going to the dentist. I just have a hard time making the decision to go and finding one that I like and can trust. I went today and had to have a piece of my baby tooth removed from my gum. I originally thought I had a popcorn kernal stuck in between my tooth and gum, but no the dentist that pulled 7 of my baby teeth seemed to have missed just a tiny piece and it decided to make it's way to the surface of my gums and cause some trouble. It was a painless procedure and I am so glad that I am now baby tooth free! And I don't have any cavities!!

Paige went to the doctor again today (she went last week because she had the croup) and had her 4 month checkup. She is now 15 lbs 11 oz. and 24 3/4 inches tall. She had to get some shots today she wasn't too happy about that but is doing really well.

Today I had lots to do in order to be ready for the Beehive Christmas party. I stayed up way too late the night before baking some treats, and doing some uniterrupted cleaning. And of course the kids decided that they needed to get up early. We finished cleaning the house and ran to Target. Tanner and Kylie were so excited to have the girls come over it was nice because Tanner even wanted to vaccum his room. He kept asking all day if it was night time and if the girls were coming over. They came over and he had so much fun! I hope the girls had a good time. We had a gift exchange they were pretty boring though no one was taking other gifts away. Then we had all the treats which maybe wasn't such a great idea because they got so crazy!! I don't know what got into them we tried to get them to sing some Christmas songs but they decided that it would be more fun to yell them. Of course then Tanner and Kylie thought it was okay to yell too, so that ended really quickly. But it was fun to have them over, and hope they had a great time.

Kylie fell off the bar stool and got a nice bruise on her cheek. It was awful I was watching her and then I saw her fall but it was like I was in slow motion and a couldn't get to her. I am just glad that all she got was a bruise!


Allie said...

Love the new look!! Sorry about the dentist, and the pediatrician. Going to the pediatrician means only bad things for us.

Mitch said...

4 months already... and 15+ lbs! Derek was 17 lbs at 12 months.