Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I hate it when I am so tired. I woke up this morning at 5:00 to Kylie crying. I went into her room and I couldn't find her. She sounded muffled so I looked under her bed and there she was! I don't know why or how she was under there but she was. Instead of falling asleep in her bed she came to ours, that is always a mistake though because she is a crazy sleeper. She always ends up kicking either Jason or me in the head. I got up and was ready to go back to sleep. So needless to say I didn't do much today except frost sugar cookies! That was fun, the kids had a good time cutting out the cookies and also frosting them. I remember my mom always used to make us sugar cookies for our classes for Halloween. She always had them decorated so cute and did so many of them. I get tired of frosting them after 2 batches, and they don't look all that cute!! I think that Tanner and Kylie had fun though and that is really all that matters. We went to the park and let the kids play for an hour or so it's finally not so hot. We are enjoying the open windows and fresh air!

Yesterday we had a busy day, I made the dough for the sugar cookies, and then I made bread. I love the smell of fresh baked bread. One of my favorites is warm bread with butter melted on it with honey. We downed a whole loaf at dinner, because it was so good! I guess I wasn't all that busy it just seemed that way because I was baking all day. We did get to carve our pumpkins. Tanner had so much fun! He loved carving it and helped dad make the ears he was so funny!

Kylie was interested for about 10 seconds and then didn't like the fact that her hands were going to get dirty. So she left me to carve the pumpkin myself, Paige decided that she was going to scream, and after a valiant effort from Jason I had to save him and take her. She finally quieted down. So about an hour after we started the whole pumpkin carving event, I finished and I was so not into it anymore that I just finished it, nothing fancy or cute about it, just wanted it done. It's not letting me post a picture and I am too tired to try to figure it out so I will do it later!


Mitch said...

you are too much. About those cookies, your kids probably thought they were way cute... just like you thought your mom's cookies were cute too. You should ask your mom how she thought her cookies were 25 years ago.

Allie said...

I'll take your cookies any day, cute or not! They are always yummy!

The Headrick Family said...

The kids don't really care what they look like just as long as they can eat them and they have frosting...guess I shouldn't care either!

Unknown said...

I had NOOOOO idea you had a blog, Kari!!! Yipee!!!!!