Sunday, October 28, 2007

Coyotes, roadrunners....

So we can now add a coyote and a roadrunner to the list of visitors to our house. Last Saturday I was putting laundry away in Tanner's room and I looked out the window and thought nice dog...there is a coyote in our yard! I'm sure that it has happened to others but I was quite shocked and yelled at Jason, who then took off outside to scare it away. Well about 10 minutes later I hear him yelling at me and guess who was back!? Well he had come back for his dinner which consisted of a rabbit which Jason scared out of him and it was dumped in our yard. Jason was watching the baseball game and saw it walking across the fence line. I didn't realize that they could jump so high. I didn't get a picture of it, sorry. Well just Friday Jason yelled at me to get the camera, and there was a road runner walking across the fence line. I did get a picture this time!

Let's see this past week has been pretty busy doing what I don't know! But we did go to a rest home with the MOM's club I am part of. The kids got to wear their Halloween costume's and go on a costume parade for the people there. I had a great time with the YW at church on Wednesday the girls put together personal progress binders and then we played a game at the end. It was so much fun! We played the same game when our ward had just been created and there were only about 10-15 girls there. This past week we had a huge circle of about 30 people! It's amazing how much we have grown.

One day Tanner decided he was hungry and helped himself to the cheese.......

Let's see Kylie is Kylie and loves to dance to Mermaid in the study, she also likes to put on her glasses here is a picture of her.

On Saturday we went to our subdivision Harvest Festival. It didn't really feel like fall due to the almost 100 degree weather but the kids had fun. Tanner loved the gourd bowling, and the sack racing. Funny story he finished his race and took the sack off and his shorts had fallen down! I guess it's probably not that embarrassing when you are only 3 1/2! I thought it was really funny. He was so excited to get his face painted. I thought he would want a ball, or superman, no he chose a snake, and one that went over his entire face! Oh well he thought it was pretty cool. We thought for sure Kylie would want to get her face painted too because there was mermaid. She really didn't like the idea too much!
I am extremely proud of Tanner, he is potty trained! And not only that he can get through the night without an accident. I thought the day would never we have to work on Kylie but 2 sets of diapers is better than 3!!


Mitch said...

I'm sorry, but a coyote in your back year! That's crazy when you have 3 little kids. Hopefully Jason loved the fact the Yankees weren't in the world series. I'm sure I'll get an ear full this weekend... REMINDER - I'm coming out and we'll be flying in at 7:30 or so on Thursday.

Mitch said...

did I say back year? I meant back yard!

Allie said...

Ty does that with the cheese all the time. Eggs are a bigger problem...

The Headrick Family said...

We are ready for you to you need directions?