Thursday, March 25, 2010

6 months

We had our 6 month checkup and we have a very healthy baby. Cameron is such a good boy and is growing so quickly. He is finally sleeping better and now only wakes up 1 time a night around 3:00, and then wakes up for the day usually around 6:00. He loves solids and is now eating twice a day. He is sitting like a champ, and doesn't like to be laying on the floor on his back since he isn't rolling from his back to tummy yet. He also has started to be a mommas boy. He knows who I am and doesn't normally like to be held by anyone else when mom or dad are around.

His 6 month stats are 21.7 lbs, 28 inches long. He and Tanner's size are about the same at this age. Cameron is a pound heavier but otherwise pretty comparable.


Trent and Kim said...

Oh my gosh! He is so adorable! I LOVE his mohawk, so much!

Shay said...

I love the little mohawk, very cute! He is such the little Jason too.