Monday, April 6, 2009

Caught red handed

We were sitting watching conference and I realized that Paige had been really quiet for a while. I asked Tanner to go look in her room and see if she was there. (Me being the lazy mom didn't want to get up!) He reported that she wasn't in her room that she was in the kitchen. I get up thinking that she is into something, and sure enough she found good stuff. She had pushed the kitchen table chair to the counter and climbed up and was helping herself.

I couldn't get her to smile....she had chocolate all over her hands too. Guess she inherited her mom's sweet tooth!

She is getting so big or she seems like she is anyway. I put her down for her nap this afternoon and she lays down on her pillow and has her cup of water, and her pink monkey, and I cover her with her blanket. I tell her I love her then she likes to call me back 2 or 3 times to finish her conversation. I rest my head on the crib and listen to her say gagaggaga. She really thinks she is communicating with me it is funny. But she won't let me leave until she is finished, and then I go and close the door and she sleeps.

There is a picture on my cell phone of her when she was a baby, and every chance she gets she takes my phone and shows me that baby. I try to convince her that the baby is her.....maybe one day she will get it.

Another great accomplishment was to get rid of her binky. Kim you would be so proud! She didn't even really miss it, maybe it was more of a crutch for me than for her but I am as glad that it is finally gone. She does just fine without it and hasn't had it now for a week. Now on to the potty training....hmmmm we'll see how that one goes!

I love my sweet moments with her, it totally makes up for the not so sweet ones. I love her so much, and can't believe that my baby is getting so big!


Amy said...

Haha! I love that she wanted she went for it! Too funny and cute.

Courtni said...

my kind of girl! kids are WAY too smart for their own good!

Courtni said...

maybe you could bribe her to be potty trained with chocolate :-)

Trent and Kim said...

Good Job!!! I am so proud of you! She is the cutest. I can't believe how old she looks with chocolate all over her face. I miss you guys, hopefully I get to visit this summer!

Mama Bear said...

She is such a doll. How sweet that she has little "conversations" with you. Just wait till she realling starts may have a little chatter-box on your hands! :) Happy anniversary, by the way!!