Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Tribute

I thought that since this would be my 100th post its only fitting that I pay my respect to my Grandpa Harry Startup born October 24, 1918-September 25, 2008

As we were driving home from Utah Thursday September 25 when my cell phone once again was working I got word that my grandpa had passed away. It was so surreal we had just spent the night to assist him saw him sitting there laughing at Jason's crazy jokes, and telling me that he loved me. How I will miss him! I know that I will see him again though what peace and comfort that brings me.

Sometimes being away from Utah and my family is very difficult. I miss out on all those fun family get togethers, holidays, and miss spending time with my grandparents. My grandparents have always been very involved in my life and have supported me in whatever crazy thing I decided to try. They watched countless basketball and volleyball games, grandpa gave me a priesthood blessing when I had that terrible eye infection, were instrumental in helping me stay after my parents left for California for 2 weeks, took me to Joe's to get a cheeseburger, 4th of July fireworks parade and Stadium of Fire, Sacrament meeting talks, letting me work at the candy factory in high school, Seminary and High School graduation, visiting me in Nauvoo, seeing me off to make a crazy move to California (although made me late to pick Jason up at the airport and helped me get my 1st and only speeding ticket!), my temple marriage, and to 2 of my children's blessings, and many many other things. As I have been reflecting my thoughts and memories of my grandpa I can't imagine my life without him in it.

The main reason for me to travel to Utah at the beginning of the month was to see my grandpa as he had been hospitalized. They had found a abcess on his liver and were treating it, but in the process discovered that he had cancer. The next few weeks were difficult as we needed to help grandpa and grandma, but I found them rewarding as I was able to serve them for once. One night Jason and I were able to stay with grandpa and help get him in and out of bed and try to make him comfortable. As we were moving him from his bed to his favorite recliner he said hup 2,3,4 hup 2,3,4....with a big smile on his face. I will always treasure the time that I had with grandpa before his death. What a great example of love, kindness, generosity, and enduring to the end....I will miss you grandpa!


Allie said...

I loved him! He was always so sweet to me in high school and then again when we lived around the corner from him when Chris and I first got married. He will be missed by many. I'll see you later this week.

Robert and Kristen said...

I am once again crying, it just doesn't seem to sink in that Grandpa is really gone. I am also so glad that I could spend his last day with him, although he was asleep most of the time. We are so lucky that he was our Grandpa and that we have so many happy memories with him! I will see you in a few days. Thanks for the pictures!

pribyl said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I'm glad you got to see him before he passed. He seems like an amazing man!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your Grandpa. These are some great pictures to have though. You are right. You will see him again. I love that you bloged this. It really shows what life is about. I am sure he had family like you around him just as much as you had him.

Mandy said...

I am so sorry to hear the news about your grandpa, Kristen just told me. I'm glad you got to spend time with him, it seems to go by so fast when they are still with us. I used to love going in to the candy store and always thought how cool it was that your grandparents made it all. He was so talented! I love that he kept his sense of humor even until the end. What a great example to the rest of us!! I hope your grandma is doing OK and I will see you this Friday. Tell your family I love them and hope they are all doing well. See you soon.

Courtni said...

What a sweet post -- so neat that you had so much time with your grandpa and that you have so many good memories.

Mama Bear said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. It is always so sad to lose loved ones, but how lucky that you got to see him so recently! What a blessing!

Hope you guys are doing well! We are coming back out for Halloween, so maybe we'll see you around!

The Laytons said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa - it's great that you got to spend so much time with him! Family is so important! We miss being close to family, too! Good Luck with everything in the next couple of days!

Laurie said...

So sorry about your Grandpa. He seems so sweet. All those grest memories are so comforting as is knowing you will see him again.
You are in our thoughts!

Brooke said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. I think this is the time when family is so important. I have such good memories with your family. Brooke