Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tanner's first day of preschool was today and he could not have been more excited. He woke up got dressed and asked me for an hour and a half if it was time to go yet. We took some pictures and then got in the car and headed to Ms. Laura's house. He jumped out of the car and barely waited for me to take him inside and didn't even care that I left. I was so happy that he was so ready to go. Kylie on the other hand was super sad that Tanner was gone and that she was going to have to spend some time with her mom.

While he was gone we had some fun putting together puzzles, she is getting so good! Her favorite one is a 100 piece Disney Pixie puzzle and she mainly wants to just do it herself. If I put a piece together and she wanted to do it she will take it apart and say mom don't help me. And then she helped me around the house. Then we got to go pick up Tanner and what a silly kid he came out without his shoes on (because he had to wear the new ones that grandma got him and he can't tie by himself yet!) I asked him what he did and I got the answer "I don't know".

We are off to a great start!!

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