Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Harvest Festival

We had our ward's Harvest Festival on Saturday and the kids had a great time. They had lots of fun games like look for money in the straw (one of my kids favorites), fishing pond, bean bag toss, bounce house, a dunking station, and quite a few other activites.
Kylie and her friend Claire, they were so cute all night long holding hands and dancing.

This was Paige's favorite activity eating any candy in sight!The best picture of all 3 kids before they went trunk or treating.

We then had dinner of macaroni and cheese for the kids and then chili and cornbread for the adults. Jason was asked to be a taste tester to see which chili would win the prize for the night so I was left to get the kids their meal by myself and I think we managed. After dinner there was a costume parade and then it was on to trunk or treating. The kids loved that especially Kylie she isn't shy at all and would go and get her candy. Tanner was a little more timid and would wait his turn. But they had so much fun and now can't wait for real Halloween!

Tanner and Kylie sporting some cool teeth


Anonymous said...

Well that has to be one good thing about Arizona. On Halloween you dont have to wear longs sleeves and sweats under your costumes. My girls are always annoyed about it, but what do you do? They say it ruins the costume. And it does, but again what do you do? Maybe this year it will stay a little warm. It seems like the day of Halloween is when it is the coldest.

Amy said...

Kari you have cute kids!

Allie said...

Our party is tomorrow, it's sounds like we are going to be doing the same things, i.e. trunk or treating, chili dinner with judges, etc. See, things aren't THAT different, you just have more sun!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had fun. I was looking at an older post too, about turning 31...don't sweat it...embrace it! I love being 31!