Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The love of a van

Before we had our kids came along, Jason and I had a few discussions about mini vans and swore that when the time came we would never buy a mini van and we would go the SUV route. Maybe it was because we thought we were too good for a van, or maybe just never wanted to have the stigma that comes with driving a mini van. Well almost 2 years ago our little family was getting larger and we decided that it was time to upgrade our sweet Passat.

We checked out the SUV's I really wanted a Tahoe or Suburban as when looking into the cars the Tahoe wasn't the right fit. Jason talked me into looking at the Expeditions. Well we almost bought an Expedition one Saturday and just didn't want to rush into something so we just kept waiting to find the best deal. One Saturday we had a little time and since I love looking at cars, (don't ask me why but I have fond memories of looking at cars when I was little with my dad) we stopped at the Honda dealership to check out the Odysseys, and we ended up leaving 5 hours later with the perfect mini van for us, it was a great deal, the right color and I was so happy. Who would have thought I would have been so thrilled that I just bought a mini van? Well now that it's almost 2 years later I have yet to desire for a new car....which is very strange for me because I enjoy getting new cars. I love my van, it gets decent gas mileage, we can pile tons of stuff in it, and the kids have plenty of room, not to mention a DVD player for the many road trips we seem to take.
I took the van into the dealership for an oil change and some warranty work, and am now without it for 1 1/2 days and as pathetic as it seems I miss it! At one time in my life I would be embarrassed that I said that but now.....
Who would have thought I would love a van this much?


Courtni said...

I tell Brian all the time (so often that I am sure he has it down by now) that I want a mini van once we get to California. Funny how we change our mind is GREAT however that minivans now days are a billion times better than the awful ones people used to drive when we were young. I think that is where the whole minivan aversion stems from :-)

Allie said...

I'm in love with mine too! Especially now with the stinkin' gas prices! I had to talk Chris into getting one and now he loves it as much as I do. Funny.

Amy said...

awesome! I can't wait until our family is big enough for a van! They just seem so handy nowadays :)

pribyl said...

If I were to own a mini-van...that would be the one! It's the best out there!!

Laurie said...

I think Courtni's right about the aversion coming from the old mini vans. They were ugly and not any better than having a station wagon or suv.
I have so come around to wanting a mini-van. They really do just seem like the best, most convenient, most gas milage friendly for a growing family.

What kind of van do you have?

Laurie said...

Never mind, I just re-read and saw you have a honda odessy.