Monday, March 16, 2009

Friday and Saturday

Friday we all slept in and took our time getting ready. And around 11 We went swimming, although it was a little too cold for me (Arizona really has me spoiled). After swimming we headed back to the villa for lunch while the rest of the fam stayed behind for some much needed sun time. They all went out for lunch at a seafood place....not my thing so I was happy to stay behind. And then went and played basketball and golf, and let the kids get really tired for bed. We had a big family dinner, my mom did a great job in planning meals, easy but good and we saved a lot of money. After dinner we put the kids to bed and had a fabulous time playing games. I haven't laughed as hard as I did that night for a long time. Even my dad joined in the fun. You should really try the bag game it was hilarious seeing my mom try to balance on 1 leg and pick up a bag with her mouth. Luckily she didn't fall over just ended up with a bag on her head. It was a fun night with a much needed ab workout.

Saturday everyone got up and started getting ready to leave, and then took off for Utah. It was sad that the week was already over Tanner always has a hard time at goodbyes and this one was no different. We got to go visit some good friends that we hadn't seen for a while. It was so fun to visit with them and see their cute families. We got up this morning packed the car and headed home. It is always nice to be home...but so grateful for my parents that planned and made this whole trip possible.

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