Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chloe Dawn

We got a call at a little after 5 am to come into the hospital.  We got all ready to go called mom and were off.  It was a little strange going to a different hospital this time, I guess I was used to the hospital in Arizona.  I was excited though because this is where my dad works and where all my other sisters delivered their babies.  And for the first time I would have my sisters and parents see my baby right away. 
We got all our paperwork signed and were admitted to the hospital and were taken to our room.  Where I was told many times that we got the best delivery room in the hospital.  It had a perfect view of Timp.  Unfortunately we didn't have much of a view that day because it was raining and really cloudy.  I was super excited to wear the gown my friend had made me...but the nurses wouldn't let me wear it because they didn't want the tie in the middle of my back they wanted it to be on the neck.  I was really sad and ended up having to wear the hospital issued. 
Labor was progressing and we were hoping to have the baby at 11, just for fun 11-1-11 at 11. Well that didn't work as the doctor was called to check on another patient and I didn't get my water broken. But a little before 1 I was ready to have the baby. We were excited to meet our new little girl. She was born at 1:02 (really I think it was 1:01) she was a very easy delivery and weighed 8'2 and they said she was 19 inches long. She has really long fingers and toes, and is beautiful.



Amy said...

Congratulations!! This is so exciting to have 5 kids! Good luck with the recovery & can't wait to see more adventures featuring little miss Chloe!

Cherice said...

She is beautiful!!! I have been waiting to see this post so I can see your little sweet pea :)

Seriously. They wouldn't let you wear the gown. Oh boy a I mad at them!!! Just unsnap the top and leave it open. grrrrrrrr. I'm sorry. Give it away to your sister or a friend. As long as they don't deliver at the same hospital. or sew a dang tie on the neck. So
Well Chloe is adorable! Keep the family healthy :)
Miss you.