Monday, September 19, 2011


When Jason told me that he had to go to Phoenix just for a couple of days for work...I said I'm coming too! I figured why not? A little break before the baby came and I could visit with some of the friends that I missed so much. We left really early Thursday morning, and then returned Friday night. I dropped Jason off at work and then I headed off to have fun. Some of my cute friends were kind enough together and had a fun lunch. It was so good to visit and catch up! I really miss my friends in made me think for just a minute what it would be like to move back. We had so many good times and memories there.
I met up with another friend at Coldstone and had a great time catching up with her. Then went to pick up Jason and met more friends for dinner. We enjoyed the evening, and went to the hotel and crashed. Getting up at 3:30 am doesn't sit all to well with this old prego!
Friday I slept in and had a lazy morning. Then headed to get Paige's and Cameron's birth certificates that I had never picked up. Then got some lunch and enjoyed just looking at a lot of stores that I never get to go to without kids. Then went to pick up Jason and headed home. I enjoyed the time away with time not so short though!

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