Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I love flowers I don't have one specific kind that I love they are all so pretty. But on the top of my list is Gerber daisies. When we lived in California we went to Half Moon Bay I think the Pumpkin Festival and on the way home stopped at one of the farms. We looked around and they had flowers and so I picked out some Gerber Daisies. I love the colors and how they just seem happy. We just had Young Women in Excellence tonight and our theme was Bloom. Wish I could take credit for coming up with such a great ideas but Erin came up with it. She is amazing; so talented and I am in awe that she does all that she does. I love working with such amazing people, I have learned so much by serving in this calling. Each of the parents of the girls came up with a flower that they thought represented their daughter. It turned out so nice!

Paige was laughing so hard at Kylie yesterday and then Kylie started laughing too. I love little moments like that. Paige loves her brother and sister she'll watch them and she will stare. She likes to see everything that is going on she doesn't want to be left out.

We have been playing a lot of hide and go seek lately. It's the kids favorite game although I don't think that they quite get the idea of being quiet. Tanner will go and hide and start laughing and making noises so that we can find him really fast. His new favorite hiding spot is the hall linen closet.

Kylie calls Tanner "Tatter" I heard him say "Kylie my name isn't Tatter it's Tanner!!" Thought that was funny.


Mama Bear said...

I'm so glad you have a blog. It is so fun to see all of your pictures...your kids are growing up so fast! They are so cute! Glad I finally got to see a picture of little Paige...what a doll! Hope all is well!

Allie said...

Oh by gosh! That yellow, blue and white striped towel brings back some memories! I seem to have a few that match!

Allie said...

I meant oh "my" gosh. But, whatever.

Courtni said...

I am totally with you on the gerber daisy being the favorite flower. It was what I chose for our wedding and what I choose to get if at all possible.

Love the stories about your kids...I can't believe it was only Tanner when you lived in CA!

Unknown said...

That is sooo cute, "My name isn't Tatter". :)

Amy said...

what a cute posting. I love that she says "Tatter." And the pic of Tanner crouching in the linen closet is priceless!