Sunday, June 12, 2011

Inch by Inch

Kylie had a great kindergarten teacher and she learned so much this past year. One of the many things that Mrs. Terry did was put on a talent show. It was lots of fun watching all the kids perform their various talents. Kylie first decided that she wanted to display some art. I asked her many times if that is really what she wanted to do and she was very sure that art was it. We got ready and she did a lot of practicing, a couple of days before the show she decided that she wanted to dance. Unfortunately her teacher had already made the programs and had the show all put together and I had warned her that she couldn't change her mind. She was a little disappointed but got over it pretty quickly.
Her art was super cute and I loved that she named it swirly. It was so fun to see her in her classroom with her friends performing and seeing all the amazing artwork that she has done for the last year!
Love you Kylie!

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Hi Kari... Sounds like a good K teacher... Derek's going into kindergarden in Sept... I sure hope he has a good teacher too.